If you have read my other posts you will know that I am not a certified critic, but I do like a good movie. This is my review of the movie “Drift” by Confluence Films. At the encouragement of the staff at Fishwest, I watched this movie and I must say that watching this film was enjoyable.
The film opens with a segment on the Deschutes River with John and Amy Hazel and incredible scenes of spey casting for steelhead. They both seem to connect with the fish on a personal level. In the pursuit of a fish of a thousand casts, when rewarded, they do not take the fish for granted. After seeing their passion, it brings the question to mind, does the fish catch the fisherman?
The movie will then take you to Belize with Brian O’Keefe on a quest for permit. He is hosted in Punta Gorda at Turneffe Flats by the Garbutt brothers, Ewort, Oliver, Scully and Dennis. If there is another saltwater trip I would take, (other than the Fishwest sponsored Andros bonefish trip) I think it would be here. The Garbutt brothers proved instrumental in the Belizean government declaring that permit, bonefish and tarpon are now protected, catch and release only.
A couple of quick stops on the “A” section on the Green River with Adam Barker and Tommy Knight and the Frying Pan River with R.A. Beattie and Boone Klug and then on to the Bighorn River with Robert Boyce, Robert Eddins and Jordan Gage that illustrates good times with good friends.
My favorite part of the film was on Andros islands with Charlie Smith, the inspiration and co-creator of the Crazy Charlie. Guiding bone fisherman for over 50 years, he still practices his casting everyday to make that perfect cast so he can mentor clients on his boat. In his words he loves being with people, loves catering to tourists and loves fishing,that is what keeps him smiling.
The final segment is a lesson in cultural awareness when Travis Smith and Jon Steihl fishes in Kashmir India with Maqsood Madarie while fishing the Yarbal River
Hopefully I did not spoil the film for you but instead motivate you to get it. My recommendation, order Drift from Fishwest, and watch it. It took me out of the city on a cold winter day, I give Drift three dry flies and three Crazy Charlies.