I don’t know about you guys, but there comes a time every year that it gets pretty cold up here and I do my best to not even leave my house. What that doesn’t change is my need to eat, breathe and sleep fly fishing. The addiction runs pretty deep in my veins and when your line freezes to your guides before you even hit the river you have to find another way to pass the time. Here are a couple things I do to keep myself busy over the winter so I don’t lose my mind before spring.
Fly Tying
Nothing beats sitting down in front of the vise and working on filling up the fly boxes for next season. I like to imagine the possibilities of what a fly will bring to the surface as I tie it. Or for that matter, what monster lurks beneath the surface that may be more inclined to take a nymph. Either way it’s fun to try new patterns or challenge yourself with something you have never done before. The possibilities are endless when you are on the vise, the only thing slowing you down is your imagination.
Planning Trips
Without a doubt my next favourite thing to do is plan where we are going fishing next year. I spend hours on Google Earth, reading back roads books and just talking to people online trying to find the next great spot I haven’t seen yet. Most years I over plan like crazy and only make it to about 20% of the places I want to see. I guess the good side of that is I don’t think I will be running out of places to explore anytime soon. And it’s starting to look like I might end up seeing Utah to this year!
Organizing Gear
Over an entire season my gear ends up all over the place. The back of my car, the back of my wife’s car, the back of my brothers’s car and basically everywhere in between. I end up sticking flies all over the place as well. I just found a couple I had jammed into the visor in my car a few days ago. I’ll be honest and say I don’t think I even fished them. It’s a great time to organize all your leaders, tippet and other supplies to have in your bag.
Reviewing Last Years Photos
There is nothing like going through all the photos you took last season and recalling all the great memories you made. Maybe you caught a new species that was on your list or maybe you caught a new personal best. Either way it’s always fun to go back, reflect and reminisce about all the great times that were had!
No matter what you do on the down days in between seasons, just remember it is not too long now until we can get back out there!