I heard the uncanny low pumping noise of a diesel truck approach as I searched endlessly through the box of winter hats and mitts for my winter fly gear. I checked my phone and of course Marc was exactly on time, 7:00 am and not a minute sooner. I hurried […]
As I looked out on the smoke filled sky I felt a sadness I have never felt before. The sun had been blocked out for months and there was no end in sight. The world is changing, my idea of summer is no longer what it was when I was […]
Sometimes I feel like the desire to explore tugs at me more than my desire to catch a fish. The lure of exploring a river you have never seen before and the possibility of finding a new run or pool is just as satisfying and landing the next slab. We […]
This has been an extraordinary season for steelhead on the Babine River in British Columbia. I was fortunate to spend Week 3 of the eight-week season at the Babine Steelhead Lodge (babinesteelheadlodge.com) and share in that experience. The Babine River, about 60 miles long, drains Babine Lake and is a […]
The Mop Fly. Yeah, this fly could be viewed as blasphemous by dry fly purists, but I’m here to tell you that it is fly style that I don’t see going anywhere any time soon. Mop flies can be as simple or as complicated as you would like. I could […]
Fishing for steelhead on the Skeena River in British Columbia was destination number four for me in “my year of steelhead.” A spot opened up at “The Steelhead House” (www.steelheadhouse.com) in Terrace, B.C. this August … and it took me less than a millisecond to jump for it. The Skeena […]
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