When you live in a city (Calgary) with a population closing in on the 1.5 million mark, with a fishery considered by many to be one of the finest rainbow and brown trout destinations on the planet, you’re bound to find more fisherman than you’d like to encounter. To add […]
canada fly fishing
I’ve come to realize that crappie take top-water flies with incredible enthusiasm. Although not a “classic” fly rod target, their surface-slurping tendencies – especially in the fall – deserve your attention… Although the spring crappie bite can be awesome, late summer and early fall can be even better. At my […]
(And a Canadian beer for one pike Deceiver and three grayling dries…) My dad was an adventurer – not the adrenaline junkie type – but the type who yearned to see what was around the next bend of the river. I think that might be a pretty common characteristic of […]
The outfitter told me there were lake trout, arctic grayling AND arctic char at one of his camps and that sealed the deal. Most people don’t get the chance to fish for arctic char in their lifetime and the allure of the exotic was overpowering. So a few months later […]
Editors Note: To catch lake trout in the summer, you generally need very deep water and very heavy jigs – maybe even down riggers. But not necessarily.. Myself, Dad, and our friend Ben squeezed into what used to be a 10 seater Cessna. Today it was a 5 seater with […]
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