There are fishing adventures, and then there are EPIC fishing adventures that you’ll remember for a lifetime! The newest hosted trip offering from Fishwest Fly Shop falls squarely into the latter category: Bolivia for Golden Dorado with Untamed Angling. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a virtual journey […]
Fishwest Hosted Trips
Roosterfish are a game changer when it comes to fly fishing. For this guide we will focus on Baja Mexico. Enjoy our take on Fly Fishing for Roosterfish: A 101 Guide. The Fish Most often found in Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico. Roosterfish (Nematistius Pectoralis) are distinctly known for […]
Probably one of the MOST successful trip that Fishwest has hosted in Xcalak, Mexico! Lots of fish to the boat, lots of firsts and plenty of fun! Enjoy this Trip Recap: Acocote Eco Inn May 2023 Located about four and a half hours south of Cancun, Mexico sits the quiet […]
Are you ready for yet another destination fly fishing trip story from our Fishwest Ambassador Chad Agy? Because we are! Chad actually took over our Instagram while he was on this trip and gave a live feed of his adventures. If you followed that than this is definitely worth a […]
In our last few blogs we went over the oddly spooked and invisible Bonefish and the fever inducing Permit. Today, Tarpon! Unlike other saltwater species, Tarpon (a.k.a., the “silver king.”) are voracious and acrobatic. Each jump they make in an attempt to throw your hook sends a shock to your […]