By Richard Lake Crayfish are a huge part of many species diets, this is a simple pretty generic pattern I started tying to target carp in the community ponds and the lakes here in Utah. This has been a productive pattern during the summer months through the fall for […]
Fly Tying
Customers come into the shop all the time asking us “what are your favorite flies to fish” and every angler has an opinion on what patterns are top flies. One of my all-time favorites has to be the Guide’s Choice Hares Ear. This was one of the first patterns I […]
Nehil Keeley Monday, January 9, 2012 A Double Whammy has solved some of the toughest hatches. Our friends in England have been fishing soft hackles since the late middle ages (medieval times) as some suggest they date back to the 1400’s or even earlier. The soft hackle was a little […]
Brian Nelson Wednesday, October 26, 2011 I enjoyed a lot of success as a kid one summer with a traditionally tied mosquito dry fly, but then one day it stopped working, just like that. Ah, such is trout fishing! Further observation revealed that the fish had switched to sub-surface feeding, […]
Dustin Carlson Saturday, August 6, 2011 This knot is useful for connecting two pieces of tippet, leader or other line materials together. It is pretty fast and easily done stream side. The line will also come out of this knot pretty straight in both directions. Lay the two butt ends […]
Dustin Carlson Monday, July 18, 2011 The Albright Knot is a very strong connection from your fly line to your leader or butt section. It can also be used to attach a fly line to backing. The strength of this knot comes from the core of the fly line being […]
Dustin Carlson Thursday, June 9, 2011 The Improved Blood Knot is great for connecting a smaller line to a larger line (like lighter class tippet to heavy shock or bite material). Double your lighter tippet over to create a loop and lay the two tag ends side-by-side, facing the opposite […]
Nick Granato Wednesday, May 4, 2011 Hook: Gamakatsu B10s # 2 Eyes: Pseudo Eyes Plus Large Tail: Craft Fur Foul Guard: Calves Tail Body and Head: Custom Blended Dubbing, one part wool one part mixed ice wing fiber. I developed this baitfish pattern while fishing for late season Wipers. In […]
Dustin Carlson Tuesday, April 12, 2011 This knot is used for splicing a spey line for loop to loop tips or customizing the rear of a scandi head or front of a skagit amongst other uses. It is also used a lot on shooting heads of all kinds. The loop […]
Dustin Carlson Saturday, February 26, 2011 The No-Slip Mono Loop Knot is used for tying on bigger flies so they have a little more action. A clinch-type knot grabs onto the eye and constrains movement. Sometimes a little more wiggle in your fly can make all the difference. Start by […]
Dustin Carlson Saturday, February 26, 2011 This knot is perfect for tying a loop in the thick end of a new leader or in the end of a piece of butt-section. Create a loop in the line with the tag end going behind the main line. The tag should be […]
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