The hype and anticipation for this adventure to the Bulkley Valley was unlike anything I have ever felt before. Unlike previous adventures, this year’s trip had an aura of electricity surrounding it. This was mainly because the early returns catalogued by the DFO Canada in the Skeena Region showed numbers […]
Hosted Travel
I am just starting to recover (and dry out) from our most recent hosted trip to the Mexican Yucatan. Despite the weather, I find myself in awe of how great the fishing really was. Last week, I had the opportunity to visit the new, and vastly improved, Tarpon Cay Lodge, […]
There are fishing adventures, and then there are EPIC fishing adventures that you’ll remember for a lifetime! The newest hosted trip offering from Fishwest Fly Shop falls squarely into the latter category: Bolivia for Golden Dorado with Untamed Angling. In this blog post, we’ll take you on a virtual journey […]
In the service industry it is standard to give a tip (a.k.a, gratuity, douceur, perquisite, cumshaw, etc.). We at Fishwest want to ensure we properly educate on this somewhat confusing topic. The confusion lies with anglers that are unsure if they’re supposed to tip or how much. The confusion grows […]
2021 marks the X anniversary for the Fishwest hosted trip to the Andros South Lodge located on Andros Island in the Bahamas. For those of you who don’t speak roman numerals this was our tenth adventure to a spot that we affectionately refer to as Bonefish Heaven. The Andros South […]