It was that time of year again in my neck of the woods. The time of the season where we let the fish do their thing in the rivers so we can have lots of other little fishes to catch in the future. The spring closure is a tough period […]
Welcome back to the Fly Line Nerd Out! If you missed part one follow the link below to catch up: In this installment of nerding out on fly lines we will discuss different weight-forward tapers. Its another popular topic when it comes to a fly line conversation and will […]
My first choice would have been some bonefish flat, but instead, Deb and I pulled into the Super 8 in Livingston, Montana. It was the night of December 28th, and our ultimate destinations were Big Sky and Yellowstone. Nevertheless, the Livingston Super 8 is a huge bargain in the winter […]
Ice off is a special time of year around here, especially in high mountain lakes. Most of Alberta’s higher elevation lakes are stocked with beautiful cutthroat trout, who thrive in the cold mountain waters. As the ice starts to rot away, the cutthroat begin their transformation into fire belly monsters. […]
Every story has its beginning, and often those beginnings come out of simple choices that lead down great paths. This story is no different. In the summer of 2016, three friends and myself decided we would use August long weekend as chance to explore some unknown backwoods. There was a […]
Nowadays it seems like you have an endless choice of fly tying tools to help you land that fish of a lifetime. Seriously, you can buy $100 dollar nippers. They must have been forged in the heart of a volcano by the Queen of England, and cooled using the tears […]
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