Welcome to part three of the fly line nerd out where we will be discussing the history and development of fly lines. After posting “Part 2” I decided to take a step in another direction and really dig into fly lines when it comes to the “their” beginning. The history […]
In my opinion, it was about time somebody designed a fly line specifically for the musky angler, ESPECIALLY one that comes in a 500gr. Boy was I happy to see that Scientific Anglers was coming out with a line for this year, especially since my previous “musky” line was near […]
Golden dorado might be my favorite target species, so when the opportunity came to fish the Upper Parana River in October I headed south to Argentina for some southern hemisphere spring fishing. I had fished twice before with the outfitter, Parana on the Fly (paranaonthefly.com) in the autumn, but this […]
Fly Fishing is often seen as an easy, calm, and relaxing sport. Upon diving in head first, it can almost instantly become overwhelming. Over the next four articles, I hope to break it down for the newcomers; re-inspire those who have been doing it on and off for a few […]
This is an article by a novice musky fly fisherman written for other beginners. After fishing for salmonids throughout most of our lives, two friends and I decided to pursue the baddest freshwater fish on the North American continent. Esox masquinongy, or the muskellunge, is known as one of the […]
Time for an exercise in thoughts – which came first rising trout or tweed?!? Ha ha ha! No that’s not the real question today. Today’s question is one that I’ve spent a decent amount of time asking wiser fly fisherman than myself – and the answer came back a resounding, […]
Welcome back to the Fly Line Nerd Out! If you missed part one follow the link below to catch up: https://blog.fishwest.com/the-fly-line-nerd-out-part-1-the-difference-between-weight-forward-and-double-taper-fly-lines/ In this installment of nerding out on fly lines we will discuss different weight-forward tapers. Its another popular topic when it comes to a fly line conversation and will […]
I remember as a kid there wasn’t many things I loved more than spending time with my dad. Throwing a ball, working on the sprinklers (now that I have my own kids I think he let me interrupt his progress on the sprinklers so that mom could have a few […]
The air temperature and the water temperature matched each other at 39 degrees. I was in a float tube encased in fleece, Gore-tex, and neoprene. The small minnow imitation landed near some reeds and it was promptly smashed. My rod doubled over as an orange flash bolted parallel to the […]
I’m feeling spoiled. Genuinely spoiled. Putting a new fly line on a reel is such a great feeling. It is a magical feeling that left me feeling, like I said, spoiled! A quality new fly line makes such a difference over an old, cracked, beaten, and heavily used fly line. […]
The Fly Line Nerd Out – Part 1: The difference between weight-forward and double taper In the shop it’s a question asked often, what’s your favorite fly line? Besides being questioned about the “best” fly rod it’s an inquiry we receive on countless occasions throughout the year. Just like […]
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