To me, nothing says stillwater trout more than the short days and cold water of autumn. So when I arrived at one of my favorite trout lakes a few days ago, I was in fly fishing heaven. The water temperature was a nicely chilled 51 degrees and the air temperature […]
(You gotta know when to troll’em…) I arrived at West Blue Lake in Manitoba’s Parkland region on May 19. The ice had only let go about two weeks earlier and the water was a chilly 50 degrees. Perfect! I love fishing for trout when the water is chilly and they […]
The air temperature and the water temperature matched each other at 39 degrees. I was in a float tube encased in fleece, Gore-tex, and neoprene. The small minnow imitation landed near some reeds and it was promptly smashed. My rod doubled over as an orange flash bolted parallel to the […]
Most stories about sight fishing take place somewhere like Florida or the Bahamas, where the sun is shining and it’s warm outside. This story took place in Manitoba’s Parkland region, a world class destination for stillwater trout. Don’t take my word for it, however, since Manitoba is my home province. […]
Freshwater drum, also known as sheepshead, are one of the most widely distributed fish in North America. They range from northern Canada to the southern United States and are found in both warm water lakes and rivers. Although related to redfish, they are certainly overlooked as fly rod targets. With […]
(And a Canadian beer for one pike Deceiver and three grayling dries…) My dad was an adventurer – not the adrenaline junkie type – but the type who yearned to see what was around the next bend of the river. I think that might be a pretty common characteristic of […]
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