The day started off different than most days I go fishing. I woke up at the same time I normally do, I made coffee like I normally do and I packed some food for the day like a normally do. My gear was already loaded in the truck ready and […]
I never understood when I was younger my Dad loved steelhead fishing so much. He used to talk about all the times him and his friends would run up to Pulaski, New York and catch all these steelhead. I used to think to myself “What is a steelhead? That sounds […]
It’s snowing out. I just looked outside and watched those big puffy flakes fall slowly upon my truck. My vice is empty, as each fly box row has been meticulously lined, organized, and sized to fit their desired spot. My bag sits lonely upon its hook, patiently waiting for me […]
Pretty sure I saw something similar to this on Instagram sometime over the past year. For some reason it popped back into my head the past month and I decided I had to tie some. This may or may not be close to what I remember seeing and if not, […]
Standing. Waiting. Drifting. Every time you fish this section of water you target right behind the same boulder time and time again. Year after year there always has been a fish ready to strike. Whether right behind, in the middle or were it all meets together and the CFS picks up. […]
Ice off is a special time of year around here, especially in high mountain lakes. Most of Alberta’s higher elevation lakes are stocked with beautiful cutthroat trout, who thrive in the cold mountain waters. As the ice starts to rot away, the cutthroat begin their transformation into fire belly monsters. […]
Ok, so I will be the first to admit I was pretty much entirely against fly fishing in lakes. Not because I don’t like catching fish, but the idea of just sitting in a lake waiting on an indicator going down didn’t exactly appeal to me. And I’ll be honest, […]
Let me get this straight, you’re sick and tired of watching all the “pros” tag fish, while you’re stuck watching from a distance throwing rocks in the water in a sad attempt to bring them bad juju. Well, my fair weathered friends, I’m here to help. I want to let […]
While monstrous storms slam the East Coast and snow falls across the country, we are sitting (relatively) high and dry here in Gunnison, Colorado. This time last year, we were buried in over 10 feet of snow and life outside had seemingly ceased to exist. We exceeded our snowpack and […]
A fun little twist on a classic. I tend to keep both traditional and flashback Pheasant Tail nymphs in my box at all times. Sometimes I find I can get more hits on the flashback, but I find it hard to believe it makes that much difference. With the being […]
Perdigon nymphs are small, delicate, heavily weighted nymphs developed by Spanish competition anglers. These nymphs were developed to fish fast moving, technical water that see a lot of fishing pressure. The small, slick profile allows these small nymphs to get down to the feeding zone. Perdigons are typically tied in […]
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