It’s time to shut her down, 2017 is almost gone, and we are ready to welcome a New Year here at the fly shop. For our final blog of the year the staff has compiled some thoughts, highlights, and maybe some goals for next year. With the passing of the […]
Anglers have an interesting way of communicating with each other. Between the many sects and styles, personalities and demographics, we all have one thing in common. As a collective group, we are appreciative of small gifts – early mornings on empty, misty rivers, catching a trout on the first cast, […]
My brother and I didn’t always get along. As with a lot of siblings I imagine when we were growing up we didn’t always see eye to eye on things. We would argue about who was sitting in the front seat of the car, which one of us got which […]
I have to admit 2016 was a great year for me and trout on the fly. I wasted no time catching my first trout on New Years of 2016, a little Bonneville Cutthroat through a gap in a lake covered with ice. I caught nearly every trout species Utah has […]
You know that one stretch of stream, river, or lake that you know super well? The one that you could outfish anyone on, the one that you know all of the smallest seams as well as you know the biggest runs and pools. You may be acquaintances with a few […]
There has been nothing more exciting, or that has brought me more joy in my life than time I’ve spent with a fly rod in my hand, and it’s been that way for as long as I can remember.I’m the 5th generation of fly fishermen in my family and the […]
“A River Runs Through It” may be the most famous piece of angling literature produced in the 20th century – and that’s saying something considering books such as “Trout Bum,” “Sex, Death, and Fly Fishing,” “The Longest Silence,” and “In the Ring of the Rise” were written during this time. […]
Catching a fish every month of the year is a good fly fishing resolution. My brothers-in-law made this pact a few years ago and I try to follow suit. It is a pretty easy goal if you just get out there on the water. But if you live in the […]
I’m fairly new to the world of fly fishing despite growing up in Utah and spending a majority of my summers in the mountains of Park City on my grandparents’ ranch. Nature has always called to me, and because of that, I have found passion and happiness existing in the […]
With 2015 ending we at Fishwest have been reminiscing on all the new experiences, species, good times with friends and adventures we’ve been on this year. I think I can speak for all of us when I say this was a stellar year on the water for the staff, here […]
With 2015 only hours away we here at Fishwest have had a chance to reflect on a great fishing year but also look forward to the new year and new adventures. Below you will find our thoughts on the year and goals for 2015. Enjoy! Morgan – Fishwest Shop Manager […]
A question was asked of me today of which I thought I knew the answer, but upon further introspection, I suspect that perhaps I need to reset my footing. A friend asked me today why exactly it was that I fly fish and why it was that I do not […]
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