It was that time of year again in my neck of the woods. The time of the season where we let the fish do their thing in the rivers so we can have lots of other little fishes to catch in the future. The spring closure is a tough period […]
It’s snowing out. I just looked outside and watched those big puffy flakes fall slowly upon my truck. My vice is empty, as each fly box row has been meticulously lined, organized, and sized to fit their desired spot. My bag sits lonely upon its hook, patiently waiting for me […]
When did fly fishing become the cool thing to do? I remember a time when most fly fishermen were perceived as old men with too much time and money on their hands. However, each year the rivers get busier and the fishermen keep getting younger. I never thought I’d see […]
Pink is often regarded as this feminine color that only belongs on cotton candy and Hello Kitty merchandise. Ostracized by much of the male population, pink is overlooked in the fly tying community in favor of the more neutral colors found within the natural world. However, pink has a special […]
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