Over the past several years I have spent many hours tying flies. I feel like many of us can relate to that feeling. I feel very fortunate that I have some friends that give me very honest feedback and have pushed me to further my skills. Over the years I’ve […]
Welcome back! You fine folks are in for a treat today, as I want to share with you how to tie up a Golden Rowley Stone. This was my most productive stonefly pattern last season, leading to big fish with big appetites. For this fly I took the traditional Rowley […]
The Brule River X-Legs is an absolute must-have pattern for chasing Lake Superior steelhead on the famous Brule River in northern Wisconsin. It has caught countless fish under an indicator, even as a swung fly, and is one of the most popular stonefly patterns in the area. It works not […]
Behind every good man is a woman, right? At least in my case it seems to be true. However, woman in fly fishing seems to be a hotly debated topic, with negativity among men running high. They see a woman who fly fishes as merely a model trying to pose […]
Sometimes flies are created out of necessity, and other times they are created out of new materials that leave you scratching your head what to do with. This fly came out of the latter, after a friend of mine introduced me to Semperfli Straggle String. I had seen him use […]
There are many times in my fishing life and a few in my personal life where I have arrived a little too late to the party – started to fish for carp after far too many years of just chasing trout, started to tie flies after a 10-15 year hiatus, […]
This fly pattern actually came about when my daughter asked her father to create a “princess fly.” She asked for a beautiful purple fly that only a princess would use. Little did she know that a princess fly is a deadly variation of the Copper John that most fish chow […]
Pretty sure I saw something similar to this on Instagram sometime over the past year. For some reason it popped back into my head the past month and I decided I had to tie some. This may or may not be close to what I remember seeing and if not, […]
Late summer and early fall is one of my favorite times of year for “dry flies.” I use that term loosely because honestly what I am talking about right now is big foam bugs that are very difficult to sink. One of my favorite flies for this season is a […]
Pink is often regarded as this feminine color that only belongs on cotton candy and Hello Kitty merchandise. Ostracized by much of the male population, pink is overlooked in the fly tying community in favor of the more neutral colors found within the natural world. However, pink has a special […]
I am not trying to pretend this is anything like the original dry flies that were used in the Catskill Mountains, but it’s something I like to tie that is kind of close. This isn’t even going after any one bug in particular, but lucky for me the fish in […]
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